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  • BBIT (Brain Based Intelligence Test)

The activities of the brain, like Intelligence are based on biology and culture. We cannot separate one from the other.

BBIT, thus reframes Intelligence as .an integration of biology and cognitive processes. We know that intelligence is sensitive to learning, and the brain changes itself. Traditional IQ tests may believe that IQ is fixed. BBIT is not like IQ—the cognitive processes it measures are malleable.

BBIT is used wherever levels of intellectual ability needs to be measured, including intellectually challenged at one end and high ability gifted individuals. but also, as a tool for evaluation of Specific Reading, Comprehension & Math difficulties. In addition, its tests assist clinicians for diagnosis of impairment of cortical functions as in Stroke, Epilepsy, and Traumatic brain injury.

How it is different from IQ:

Measures different kinds of Intelligence:

  1. How flexible are you in your plans and behaviour: Cognitive Flexibility
  2. How good are you in giving up a habitual response when it is no longer useful, or resist distractions:Attention- Inhibition
  3. Are you using your memory efficiently while working on a problem: Working Memory
  4. To what extent can you regulate your impulses: Self-regulation
  5. Are you good at seeing a pattern by simultaneously processing several features: Configurations
    Good at getting the main idea in reading sentence or listening? Verbal configuration.
  6. Arranging separate information in sequence or repeating a series of sounds that may not even have a meaning: Sequencing & Articulation
  7. Complex Problem Solving: Logical, Analytical with reasoning
  8. Affective Problems that involve emotion and conflict: Decision -making with feeling and compassion.

To our knowledge, there may not be a comprehensive test like BBIT that also has reasonably good psychometric properties.

Lastly, a comprehensive cognitive measure that leads to theoretically driven programmes for intervention and amelioration of common academic and behavioural problems including Reading disabilities, Mathematical difficulties, and Attention deficit Hyperactive Disorder. We discuss these aspects of BBIT in an accompanying text (BBIT Book).
